Landscape Construction Sutherland Shire

What Principles do Landscape Contractors Follow While Planning a Design?

When it comes to planning a landscape design the professionals offering landscape construction follow certain principles. By sticking to these principles the professionals not only are able to deliver top quality landscaping that satisfies their clients, but come up with results that will add significant value to the properties. Thus, when you hire a specialist offering landscape construction in Sutherland Shire, the professional is expected to stick to certain principles. On this page, let us discuss the principles that these professionals follow.

Following the “Law of Enclosure”

This is just a law (not a thumb rule) on which landscaping of gardens depends. The law describes landscaping in such a way that your garden appears embraced by the elements of nature. In other words, the vertical edge of the garden space is at least one third the total length of the horizontal place that has been occupied by the building. When that happens, the professionals are able to come up with retaining walls or other special features that may well act as the focal points for your landscaping area.

Following the Regulating Line

This idea is all about adding an element of architecture or a distinctive feature of landscape, which can create an imaginary line. The line will help connect as well as organise landscape designing with a proportionate measurement that put equal emphasis on every element of design.

For instance, following a regulatory line will help align a swimming pool or a wooden walkway over a pool in such a way that they will never act as a visual interruption. Rather, they will be a treat to the eyes.

Making use of the Golden Rectangle to Get Correct Measurements

This is purely a designing principle. This rule will help in fine tuning landscape designing. The rule of the golden rectangle involves calculating the ratio of the short to the long side and keeping it equal to the ratio of the long side to the short side and sum of the short and long sides. For Instance, if a is the short and b is the long side, then a/b = b/a +b. This makes a perfect landscaping design, putting equal emphasis on all the visual elements of landscape.

Planting Big to Small

The planting of trees has to be meticulous. The local landscape contractors in Sutherland Shire would plant big to small. They will start with small trees then graduate to shrubs, move on to perennials and ultimately move on to ground cover. This is extremely crucial as it will give a better look and feel to the entire structure and an element of practicality from the functional point of view.

Balancing the size

When it comes to adding features like rock structures and water bodies, these professionals would stick to maintaining the size. While too small a feature will fail to create the impact, a feature too big will overwhelm the other elements. Hence, there has to be a right balance between these features and the other elements of the garden.

So you see, when you plan landscaping your garden, you need to hire the best professionals who would stick to these principles. What better name can you hire than Southern Scape Projects? We are one of the best in the business. Call us to know more about us.