Retaining Walls

Expert Retaining Walls Builders in Sutherland Shire

Southern Scape Projects are experts at retaining wall construction. When you’re looking to change a landscape, there’s often retaining walls involved and we offer a range of solutions to retain wherever necessary. Structurally retaining land is technical and is required to be completed by licensed contractors and it often requires council approval depending on height and location on a property. We can help with council approval, engineering and geotechnical surveys when required. Our construction of retaining walls in Sutherland Shire can either blend into the background or be made a feature of the landscape depending on our client’s needs and preferences. Our Southern Scape Projects team is qualified and experienced to retain whatever your needs require.

Retaining Walls

What is the Importance of Retaining Walls?

The most important part of the construction of retaining walls in Sutherland Shire is that it provides:

  • Structural support to the soil and landscaping
  • Prevention of soil erosion and discover the newer flood control methods
  • Addition of functional space to your backyard
  • It breaks the visual boredom or continuity, thus giving a disruption and ma add to visual excellence

What Types of Retaining Walls in Sutherland Shire Do We Deliver?

  • Core-filled block-work retaining walls
  • Concrete sleeper retaining walls
  • Timber sleeper retaining walls
  • Sandstone log and mudded stone retaining walls
  • Retaining walls incorporated in boundary fencing
  • Gabion cage retaining walls
  • Crib retaining walls

What are the USPs of our retaining wall construction service?

  • Our experts offering construction of Sutherland Shire retaining walls would take into account your functional needs and aesthetic preferences to come up with the best bespoke solution.
  • We have years of experience and access to the latest tools and techniques to come up with the best solutions

What are the few questions to ask about retaining walls?

Yes,it will help the soil to get firm and stout. The water will not get mixed with the soil and turn it weaker.

This will entirely depend on the type or length of the retaining walls. However, our experts being seasoned and having the best tools, we take 3 days to finish off  and meet your deadline.

Get a free Quote for Construction of Retaining Wall at your Property

So if you are in Sutherland Shire never think of any other places for shiva worshipping. Contact us at 1300 595899 to book our retaining wall construction service, or email us at for an online free quote.